Charity Begins at
Home Work

FitnessGiving transforms your existing charity donations into a tool for enhancing employee wellbeing.

We help you leverage your existing charity budget to enhance employee engagement and wellbeing, elevate your company’s social responsibility, and streamline your donation process.

Turn Everyday Fitness into Sponsored Challenges

Reward your employees’ everyday fitness activities with the gift of giving to great causes.

With every step, kilometre or calorie burned , they can turn their wellbeing into donations that your company sponsors.

More Impact
Less Paperwork

Empowering your employees with FitnessGiving creates greater impact WITHOUT more admin.

We handle all the heavy lifting.
 UK registered charities get 100% of your donations.
You get the glory and lovely dashboards that show you how much good you are doing!

Get Great Culture
By Doing Good

Magic happens when you invest in wellbeing and doing good.

FitnessGiving boosts your company culture by fostering employee wellness and empowering them to support their favorite causes, amplifying your company’s positive impact in the process.

Ready to Get started
in 3 Easy Steps?

  1. Sign up and tell us about your company
  2. Create your first sponsored challenge
    AFFORDABLE: Get started with as little as £100
    NO-RISK: Only pay when donations are made
    100% Pledge: Charities get 100% of your donations
  3. Invite employees to join
    Simply share the challenge link
    Optionally set a challenge code for a more private challenge
Illustrations by Storyset. is operated by Wizewerx Ltd – a company registered in the United Kingdom with reg no. 06003824. All rights reserved ©2023.